1st RPIMA: Join the French Special Forces

1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment
At the gates of Spain, nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees are one of the most prestigious regiments of the French Army: The 1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment , or 1st RPIMA.
His last feat of arms known to the general public dates back to his joint action with the marine commandos, and the CPA 10, in Burkina Faso, during the release of 2 French hostages.
Whether your goal is to join this elite regiment, or just to learn more about the 1st RPIMA , then our article is for you.
To know the 8 things to master before joining the special forces, click here.
The missions of the 1st RPIMA
Heirs of the British SAS, the Special AIr Service, (LINK!) The 1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment was born on September 29, 1940, then under the command of Captain Georges Bergé.
Their role and their place within the French Army have evolved. Today, the 1st RPIMA acts under the orders of the COS, Special Operations Command. Most of its missions consist in the conduct of targeted land, air and maritime operations. As a Special Forces entity, its missions obviously have a high strategic nature.
The know-how of the 1st RPIMA covers a broad spectrum of actions, in particular:
- capture and/or neutralization of HVT (High Value Target, or High Value Target);
- Destruction of strategic objective;
- Hostage release;
- Close protection of authorities in war zones.
To carry out the wide range of these missions, the soldiers of the 1st RPIMA are distributed among the 6 SAS companies (Special Action Stick). Each of them has distinct expertise and capabilities.
1st Company SAS

The 1st company SAS is specialized in underwater actions, and the 3rd dimension. This last term refers to actions carried out from the sky. We therefore find in this company the OPS droppers (or operational droppers), and the combat divers (not to be confused with the combat swimmers of the Navy commandos).
2nd SAS company

Specialized in extreme environments, the soldiers of this company are able to evolve in the jungle, in the mountains, in extreme temperatures. During their training, they also follow an internship in the Brazilian jungle, in Manaus.
3rd SAS Company

The 3rd company is known for its vehicles: the PATSAS, is responsible for motorized patrols. Their missions consist in carrying out in-depth reconnaissance and destruction actions in autonomy. Indeed, they may be required to act for months, being supplied by packages dropped from the sky.
4th company
Their field of action focuses essentially on actions in urban areas. Combining autonomous action and intelligence for action, the latter have the appropriate equipment to carry out their missions.
5th company
Command and logistics oriented, the 5th company is a support unit whose personnel can still be projected into operations.
6th company
Intended for instruction, this last company provides the initial training of new recruits to the regiment, as well as that of the SAS training course.
Weapons & Equipment of the 1st RPIMA
To carry out all of these missions, the 1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment has a wide range of vehicles, weapons and tactical equipment.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of the equipment they have at their disposal:
Armaments and Equipment
- Rifle for TE type 408 CHEYTAC
- HK 416 FS (x 1 per operator)
- PA Glock 17 (x 1 per operator)
- Bonnie or Litton binoculars (x 1 per operator)
Combat vehicles
- Armored Land-Rover Discovery
- VPS (vhl special patrol)
- PLFS (PL special forces)
- Quad Polaris MV850

The recruitment of the 1st RPIMA
To join the prestigious regiment of the 1st RPIMA , candidates will have to undergo a long and demanding selection. Regardless of their origin, civilian or military, they will have to follow and pass a common training course, over several months or even more than a year.
For recruits coming from the civilian sector, you will first have to obtain technical approval equal to E1, or E2. A good sporting level is also expected from the candidates: a level 10 at light Luc, and a minimum of 12 to 15 pull-ups are expected on average.
Thereafter, participants will be required to complete a PMPFS, or Special Forces Military Preparation . Held over 15 days in Pau, the latter is now compulsory.
Divided into 2 phases, the first week is dedicated to military training, and the second to the pre-military parachutist certificate.
This PMP FS gives rise to a classification allowing the recruiter to select the candidates who will join the next incorporation into the regiment.
Each of the recruits will also be called to the DEI - or Evaluation Information Department, in order to pass an interview with the recruitment cell of the 1st RPIMA .
At the end of this first phase of selection, the volunteers will join, or not, the regiment in Bayonne, to start their class.
"Who dare win"
Known throughout the world for its know-how and its unique experience, the 1st RPIMA is a regiment whose expertise and techniques are refined a little more each year.
Operating methods, equipment with more or less advanced technology, innovations in terms of armaments, the regiment is constantly innovating. Despite everything, the 1st RPIMA can above all count on the resistance and determination of its handpicked members, to carry out the missions entrusted to it.
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