How to improve the defense of your house by camouflaging it?

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
No disrespect to whoever said that, but in the prepping world, that's a load of bullshit.
You don't want your house screaming "we have valuables for sale".
You want it to look as normal and unremarkable as possible so you don't lose the survival gear you've worked hard to gather.
In this article, we will teach you exactly how to do it. Let's start:
Why is it vital to blend in to defend yourself?
When disaster strikes, many people will be unprepared. They will struggle to find food, water and other basic necessities. Desperate is the best word to describe them.
And if there's anything we know about desperate people, it's their tenacity. They will do anything to stay alive, even if it means raiding stores and breaking into homes.
The best way to stay off their radar? Camouflage your home.
We're not talking about painting it camouflage (please don't). Rather, it's about making your home blend in with your surroundings. It makes everyone think you're not prepared like them, even if it's quite the opposite and you have a smart SHTF plan.
They will move on to more promising targets, and your emergency reserve will remain intact.
How to hide your house from plain sight?
Hiding your house is very simple and you don't have to worry about the cost. As you will see below, it is a matter of common sense:
Don't reveal your secrets
It may seem harmless to tell a good acquaintance about the water, food and survival gear you have stored, but this is a big mistake. Keep your mouth shut.
The last thing you want is for everyone in the neighborhood and nearby town to ask you for help in an emergency. Of course, it's up to you to help, but you certainly can't take care of everyone.
Look and act average

To keep your house from being noticed, be the gray man and do like the other neighbors.
You should :
- Dress like everyone else. If your neighbors are wearing jeans and a top, don't be the only one wearing tactical gear.
- Driving an average-looking car. No garish and unpleasant colors. No bumper stickers that can set off red flags.
- Be friendly enough, but don't let your guard down. Don't get into political discussions. Stick to pleasant conversations that aren't out of the ordinary.
- Act like you don't know what's going on or what to do. Like ordinary mortals, you want to appear desperate.
- Build fences
- There are many reasons why you should build a fence around your property:
Fences are both physical and mental barriers. They take time to climb, and would-be thieves will think it's best to go after another house.
They make escape more difficult. Since they can't get a full view of your property, they won't be able to escape right away.
It keeps your personal affairs secret. You can build your underground bunker with peace of mind
But remember that your house should not stand out from other houses in your neighborhood.
If you have a very high fence while your neighbors have simple palisades, your house will become a target. This tells bad guys that you have tons of valuables you want to protect.
Hide your lights and backup power
After a disaster, your home may be the only one for miles around with working lights and power.
Don't let anyone find out, otherwise you could be in trouble.
You know the neighborhood gossip. They will have suspicions, meddle in your affairs and denounce you.
You can cover your windows with dark blinds and curtains to hide the light. And if you want to use a backup generator, make sure it's not too noisy.
Let Mother Nature do her job
What do plants like bougainvillea, honey locust and rosebush have in common?
Thorns. Lots of thorns.
Before sophisticated security alarms were invented, these natural deterrents already existed to keep unwanted people out.
No one will feel out of the ordinary if you plant sharp thorn bushes and shrubs around your property. It's the perfect way to bolster your home's defense.
Be discreet about your business
If your neighbors don't mind someone buying groceries in bulk, they'll have a lot of questions about the freeze-dried foods you order each month.
It's easy to sneak in your survival supplies if you buy them personally, but you'll have a harder time keeping your preparations a secret if you buy them online and have them delivered. If you can, have large orders sent when most people aren't home.
Likewise, be discreet when going out to practice your crafting skills. To avoid attracting attention, put your equipment in a bag. Luckily, it's easy to store this foldable e-tool shovel with your other tools.
Be careful what you throw away
People digging through your trash cans, really? It's true.
Some people will do anything to get information on a potential target, even if it means digging through stuff you've thrown away.
So either you shred the receipts and old documents first before throwing them away, or you throw them (along with the box that came with your brand new espresso machine) somewhere else. Also remove shipping labels from your orders. They could be used against you.
Get a PO Box
If your mailbox is full of mail, you're telling the world that you haven't been home for a long time. Do not give unwanted guests the opportunity to take advantage of it.
A post office box would be a good choice. It is safer than a mailbox and does not cost much.
Don't forget that the inside matters too
If you don't think anyone is smart or desperate enough to break into your home, don't be too sure.
Survivalism is all about covering all your bases, even if the scenario is unlikely. This includes securing valuables like jewelry, cash, and your survival stock in case of a break-in.
A safe is probably the first thing that comes to mind, but you can also get creative and hide these items in unusual places. Here are some examples :
- Diversion Safes: You can find some fun ones online, like this fake box of shaving foam, container of Morton salt, and legit-looking hairbrush.
- Plush toys: Who would suspect a child's teddy bear?
- Empty food containers: We bet no one will touch these canned "anchovies".
- Hollow books on a shelf: They will blend in with the rest of the books.
- Under the floor slats.
Whichever you choose, don't put all your eggs in one basket...and be sure to remember where you hid them!
Final Thoughts
In every neighborhood there is always a house that everyone is talking about for one reason or another.
Don't let this house become yours.
If it's any secret that you have a whole stash of survival supplies, people will head straight there in times of crisis, like civil unrest.
The moral lesson here is to make your home look like anyone else's.
No red flags = more chance of keeping your groceries and more importantly your family safe.
What do you think is the most important aspect of hiding your home from plain sight? Feel free to share your ideas below.