Fire Safety Training: How to obtain the SSIAP 1?

How to become a fire safety officer?
The SSIAP (Fire Safety and Personal Assistance Service) is a diploma course in France . The SSIAP brings together various training courses concerning establishments open to the public (ERP) and high-rise buildings (IGH).
THE SSIAP is a training framed by law and the programs are designed to provide the candidate with a solid foundation in terms of prevention and safety .
fire safety officer SSIAP 1 is a key player in the security of establishments. He mainly practices in establishments open to the public and high-rise buildings which must comply with specific standards in terms of fire safety .

Prerequisites for becoming a fire safety officer
Certain diplomas are required to follow this training, in particular:
- hold an up-to-date AFPS or PSC 1, SST, or PSE 1.
- present a certificate of medical fitness less than three months old.
For people over 45, it is recommended to have passed a cardiac assessment (present a medical certificate and a cardiac assessment less than 3 months old).
Good physical condition is also required. In the event that a fire should break out, you must be able to react actively, without suffering from a failing physical condition.
You will also have to be in contact with the public, for this reason, you must know how to communicate, express yourself and make yourself understood without problem.
Mission of the SSIAP 1 Fire Safety Officer
The primary job of the fire safety officer is to do prevention. Its objective is to check the equipment to ensure that the alarm system and the extinguishers are usable in the event of a fire. Whether in a prevention situation or subject to an incident, he will:
- check that no malicious act has been committed on the fire equipment,
- receive calls related to a fire risk,
- regularly check safety equipment,
- assimilate the existing risks within its establishment,
- make rounds to check the security of the building,
- make staff aware of the risk of fire,
- trigger the alarm,
- warn and guide the emergency services,
- secure the building,
- evacuate,
- prevent people from entering the building
What is the salary of a Ssiap 1?

What job with Ssiap 1
After graduation, the intern can apply to any fire safety or personal assistance service.
The job of fire safety officer is seen by many as a stepping stone to other jobs. Indeed, it can claim several functions in security.
In general, the agent will be able to use his experience to take on the role of fire safety manager, for example.
For further
The SSIAP is made up of 3 distinct degrees: SSIAP 1, SSIAP 2 and SSIAP 3 (order of 2 May 2005 amended). Each degree provides access to a given position in fire safety.
- SSIAP 1 : Gives access to the job of Fire Safety Officer
- SSIAP 2 : Leading to the post of Fire safety team leader
- SSIAP 3 : By addressing notions of management, management and budget, SSIAP 3 is open to the positions of head of department, trainer and even consultant
These 3 levels are complementary. They can be followed at the pace of the trainee, according to his desires, to achieve the desired level of qualification.