Why become a soldier?

This is a question that may seem far-fetched... And yet, it is essential to hold on to the long term and follow a successful career: why become a soldier?
Knowing why you join the army helps you remember, in difficult times, why we are here.
In this article, I share with you the main reasons to join the army.
To represent the country

The military are the first representatives of the country. On the territory or on mission, the soldiers carry the values of France. They are ready to give their lives for our country, or to save/protect the life of one of our compatriots.
Becoming a soldier means wanting to protect your country, even at the expense of your own life. If you too want to represent the country, this probably answers the question "why join the military"...
Outdo yourself physically with military training

Military training is more than just a session a few times a week: it's about pushing yourself daily. Whether you are in the Army, the Air Force or the Navy, the training is very intense to prepare you for combat.
So, if you like sporting challenges, stress and adrenaline, military training is for you. It is surely one of the reasons why you want to join the armed forces.
The surpassing of oneself and the evolution of one's performance are not only suitable for sport. It's a real philosophy that consists in always pushing one's limits a little further. Every day, small improvements lead to great developments after a few months and a few years.
Success in military training and the physique you get from it are just the results of this mindset.
Forge a mind of steel

Become a soldier to make your mind speak or to forge it, both options are possible. Still, this element is crucial in the development of a soldier.
If you want to train today, we offer our 28-day "Mental Preparation" training, to develop a winning mind and regain the motivation to take action.
Motivation, discipline, rigor and development are fully part of you? The mentality of a soldier is surely one of the reasons why you want to become (or are already) a French soldier.
The camaraderie of a soldier

The desire to become a soldier can also be linked to the values of a regiment. Brotherhood and mutual aid is omnipresent in the armed forces. If a soldier falls, the others outdo themselves to pick him up and move forward together.
This unique team spirit, which is seen only in the army, can be one of your motivations for entering the army. A brother-in-arms is someone to whom you entrust your life, your security during a military operation.
Trust between the members of a regiment must be total for a team to be
operational during a mission. Human relations are very strong in the army. If you like that mindset, becoming a soldier is in your genes.
To lead a different life

Doesn't the classic life of the work and sleep metro make you dream? Becoming a soldier is like something else... Between intensive military training and missions around the world, discovery is part of a soldier's life.
Whether for an operation on the national territory in another city in France, on a mission in the DOM-TOM or in Mali, the soldiers like to move and enjoy a dynamic life.
Since the French armies maintain military positions in many places around the globe, a soldier will surely travel several times in his career.