7 Military Skills For Survival

7 Compétences militaires pour la survie - Phil Team

Military skills to learn to survive

Army men and women are surely the best professionals when it comes to survival . They spend most of their time in some of the harshest environments. How can we acquire these skills when we are not in the army? The answer is simple: by imitating them.

These professionals are trained to act quickly, move with speed, and shoot with precision. More importantly, they are taught to use materials found in nature to survive in various situations. In addition, they are able to survive under extremely stressful conditions, some of the most terrible.

So what are the best military survival skills you should learn to survive living in extreme conditions like these men and women in uniform? They are certainly many, but we are going to list 7 military skills to learn in order to survive.

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Find the water

The military know that it is impossible to live without rehydrating your body. To survive like them, you must learn to find in nature the raw material that keeps you alive. You can carry water, but it's bound to run out in a few days. You will then have to rely on nature to provide for your needs.

Remember to always carry a container of water. If it runs out, you can do a solar borehole, collect water from morning dew, fruits and vegetation, rock crevices and springs. Do a little research to master each of these skills. Rainwater is the safest. Collect it when it rains.


find food

Although finding water is the first skill to develop, most people fear starvation. If you immediately veer off the known trails and head into the wilderness, thoughts of what to eat will immediately cross your mind.

The military places great importance on food. Thus, they will try to bring as many food supplies as they can carry. You also need to adopt this habit.

What if the reserves run out? If the days of the disaster extend beyond a few days, you need to think of ways to find food. You can fish or hunt for food. You can also set traps for small animals. Only get plants that you know are safe.

Make yourself a shelter


Without any form of shelter, you risk dying of hypothermia. In addition, wild animals will approach you to find out who has just entered their territory. You can scare them away with your weapon (if you have one). But it's a double-edged sword: it can alert predators and possible bad guys to your location.

It is always good to carry a tent or a tarp. Otherwise, if the situation catches you off guard, you will be forced to use materials available in nature for shelter. You can use tree branches, tree trunks, bushes and other types of vegetation. If you are lucky, you may find an abandoned shelter. You can improve it and use it as your own.

Keep warm and insulate from the elements


Even if you build or find shelter, hypothermia remains a major risk. You must be able to keep warm. You can use blankets or sleeping bags. However, these facilities may not be available to you. You will need to light and maintain a fire. In addition to keeping you warm, fire will help purify water by boiling it. It will also help you cook food in the wild if needed.

Starting a fire can be tricky, especially if you don't have a lighter or matches. Learn more tips for lighting a fire. You can use a lens to direct a beam of sunlight to a focal point containing trash such as paper clippings. It's always a good idea to carry flints. This way you won't run out of sparks when you need them.

To call for help

Military personnel know how important it is to be able to send a signal for help. If you are able to open fire, that would be the best signaling method you have. Aircraft overhead can easily recognize a fire alert. Be sure to send it in a way that it's easily recognizable.

In most cases, people understand the signals sent in threes. For example, you can set fire to three different places, forming a triangle. If you have a whistle, you can blow it three times. If someone is within range, he or she will immediately realize that this is a survival signal and someone needs help. For you and me, fire games, the whistle or a mirror are perhaps the best.


find direction

Just because you got lost doesn't mean you have to stop looking for a way out. The process of finding your way back to places could be much easier if you had a map, compass, or GPS. A GPS may not work, as most wilderness areas have no reception.

The absence of these navigation tools does not prevent the military from trying to find direction-reading signals in the wild. The sun and the pole star are the safest and most reliable direction indicators. The sun moves from east to west. The Pole Star always points north. But be careful , you should try as much as possible not to travel at night. Only travel if absolutely necessary.

Learn to use firearms


There are many legal barriers to owning and using a firearm. However, you need it to survive. The first thing to learn is the basics of gun safety. You can then go ahead and learn the reasons why you will need a gun. Next, you need to choose the perfect firearm for your situation.

Your knowledge base should contain the different terms specific to weapons. Finally, you must train adequately in the use of your chosen firearm. It would be unfortunate if you accidentally shoot yourself, your loved one, or someone passing by because you don't have the skills to shoot accurately.


Practice to Master Survival

Learning to survive as a military man is hard work. But, if you work hard enough, few situations will threaten your survival. There are dozens of military survival skills. We have only presented you with 7 of the military skills to learn in order to survive, which we believe are essential. You must practice these skills to master them. Only by doing this can you emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

1 comment

  • DEMARET André on

    Article basique, clair et adapté.

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